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Persistence is commonly used quality at DRSS. The textbook definition of Persistence is: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. In simpler terms, Persistence is working hard every time you fail, it is progressing every time you fail, It is being optimistic towards the goal you are working hard for. Here at the Dayton Regional STEM School, persistence is emphasized, with an ideal known as “revisions” shining through. If and when we fail, we are able to revise our work, showing that there are multiple drafts to final products, which holds true for the real world. Revising work requires persistence. If we didn’t want to work hard towards revising work, then DRSS wouldn’t offer the great idea of revisions. DRSS wants us to try our best with our schoolwork. At regular schools, failing or getting an undesirable grade would give a sense of failure. At DRSS, we do not have to worry. We just need to work harder and the outcome will be better. Persistence is mandatory to gain success at DRSS. Without persistence, failure cannot be stopped.

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